<?php class cache { var $cache_dir = 'cache/';//This is the directory where the cache files will be stored; var $cache_time = 1000;//How much time will keep the cache files in seconds. var $caching = false; var $file = ''; function cache() { //Constructor of the class $this->file = $this->cache_dir . urlencode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); if ( file_exists ( $this->file ) && ( fileatime ( $this->file ) + $this->cache_time ) > time() ) { //Grab the cache: $handle = fopen( $this->file , "r"); do { $data = fread($handle, 8192); if (strlen($data) == 0) { break; } echo $data; } while (true); fclose($handle); exit(); } else { //create cache : $this->caching = true; ob_start(); } } function close() { //You should have this at the end of each page if ( $this->caching ) { //You were caching the contents so display them, and write the cache file $data = ob_get_clean(); echo $data; $fp = fopen( $this->file , 'w' ); fwrite ( $fp , $data ); fclose ( $fp ); } } } //使用方法,先实例化,最后close方法 //$ch = new cache(); //echo date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); //$ch->close(); ?>
2012-1-30 11:28 Monday
分类: PHP 评论(48) 浏览(34394)
前一篇: PHP常用缓存函数