@echo off :: Stops commits that don't include a log message of at least 6 characters. @echo off setlocal rem Subversion sends through the repository path and transaction id set REPOS=%1 set TXN=%2 "C:\Program Files (x86)\phpStudy\PHP5\php.exe" -q D:\Repositories\wwwphpecorg\hooks\handle.php %1 %2 1>&2 ::err exit 1
<?php class SVN { const DEFAULT_PATH = "C:\windows\Temp\\"; // static private function console ($str) { $arr = array(); $result = exec($str, $arr); return $arr; } // svn changed static private function getChangedList($revision, $respos) { $arr = array(); $result = self::console("\"C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin\svnlook.exe\" changed -r $revision $respos"); log_local(implode('\r\n', $result)); return $result; } // svn cat static private function getContent($revision, $respos, $path) { $arr = array(); $basename = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME); // Ensure the path is unique do { $tempPath = self::DEFAULT_PATH.substr(md5(rand(1,100) % rand(1, 1000)), 0, 10).$basename; } while (file_exists($tempPath)); // write into a local file self::console("\"C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin\svnlook.exe\" cat -r $revision $respos $path >$tempPath"); $result = array(); if (exec("echo %ERRORLEVEL%") != 0) die("Fail to create file"); return $tempPath; } // static private function analyse($str) { // $value : EXAMPLE , U program/list.txt $result = explode(" ", $str); // get the operation status $status = $result[0]; $path = $result[3]; $type = 'f'; // directory or file if (substr($path, strlen($path) - 1) == "/") { $type = 'd'; } return array( 'status' => $status, 'path' => $path, 'type' => $type, ); } // public static function getList($revision, $respos) { $list = self::getChangedList($revision, $respos); $result = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $tempArr = self::analyse($value); if ($tempArr['type'] == 'f' && in_array($tempArr['status'], array('A', 'U'))) { $tempArr['local_file'] = self::getContent($revision, $respos, $tempArr['path']); } $result[$key] = $tempArr; } return $result; } } class FTP { private $server; private $user; private $passwd; private $connect_id; private $remote_root = "/phpecorg/"; private $local_root = ""; public function __construct($config) { $this->server = $config['server']; $this->user = $config['user']; $this->passwd = $config['passwd']; $connect_id = ftp_connect($config['server']); $connect_id === false && die("Can't connect the server"); $result = ftp_login($connect_id, $this->user, $this->passwd); $result === false && die("Fail to login"); ftp_pasv($connect_id, true); // 开启被动模式 $this->connect_id = $connect_id; } public function handle($arr) { if ($arr['type'] == 'f') { switch ($arr['status']) { case 'A': case 'U': $this->update($arr['path'], $arr['local_file']); break; case 'D': $this->delete($arr['path']); break; default: die("No such status!"); break; } } else if($arr['type'] == 'd') { switch ($arr['status']) { case 'A': $this->mkdir($arr['path']); break; case 'U': $this->update($arr['path']); break; case 'D': $this->rmdir($arr['path']); break; default: die("No such status!"); break; } } } private function mkdir($pathname) { $result = ftp_mkdir($this->connect_id, $this->getDir($pathname)); if ($result) $str = "Successfully created directory $pathname\n"; else $str = "There was a problem while creating directory $pathname\n"; log_local($str); } private function rmdir($pathname) { $result = ftp_rmdir($this->connect_id, $this->getDir($pathname)); if ($result) $str = "Successfully deleted directory $pathname\n"; else $str = "There was a problem while deleting directory $pathname\n"; log_local($str); } private function update($file, $local_file) { $result = ftp_put($this->connect_id, $this->getDir($file), $local_file, FTP_BINARY); if ($result) $str = "Successfully uploaded file $file\n"; else $str = "There was a problem while uploading file $file\n"; log_local($str); } private function delete($file) { $result = ftp_delete($this->connect_id, $this->getDir($file)); if ($result) $str = "Successfully deleted file $file\n"; else $str = "There was a problem while deleting file $file\n"; log_local($str); } private function get_mode($path) { $number = getimagesize($path); if ($number) $mode = FTP_IMAGE; else $mode = FTP_BINARY; return $mode; } private function getDir($dir) { // validate the dir //echo $dir.'------'.$this->local_root.' '; //strpos($dir, $this->local_root) === 0 || die("The local_root does not match the dir!"); return $this->remote_root.substr($dir, strlen($this->local_root)); } public function __destruct() { ftp_close($this->connect_id); } } $revision = 0; $respos = ""; //log_local("\r\n ".serialize($_SERVER)."\r\n"); if (!empty($_SERVER['argv']) && $_SERVER['argc'] >= 3) { $respos = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $revision = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; } else { echo "Missing param"; exit; } $config = array( 'server' => '', 'user' => 'aboc', 'passwd' => 'abocpassword', ); $changeList = SVN::getList($revision, $respos); $FTP = new FTP($config); foreach ($changeList as $key => $value) { $FTP->handle($value); } function log_local($message) { echo "\r\n".$message; $default_path = "D:\Repositories\wwwphpecorg\hooks\s.log"; $fp = fopen($default_path, 'a+'); if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fp, $message."\r\n"); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); } else { echo "Couldn't lock the file !"; } fclose($fp); }